- Fr. Mbaka's confession…
- Fr. Mbaka's bombshell on Buhari's govt
- Father Mbaka: Petulant priest or foul prophet
- Catholic Church plans to transfer Fr. Mbaka
- Mbaka: Priests are human
- Inside embattled Father Mbaka's new Parish!
- Father Mbaka under fire
- No, Father Mbaka's being persecuted -RCCG pastor, other clerics
- Mbaka: Priest, politician or renegade?
- I'm going to suffer -Fr Mbaka • Fiery priest moves from duplex to one room apartment.
- The making of a fiery priest
Fr. Mbaka's confession…
~The SUN Nigeria. Friday, December 16, 2016.
My transfer has brought about miracle explosion in my ministry

Before he departed The Christ the King Parish GRA, for an ob- scure Our Lady Rosary Parish, Emene, earlier in the year, he told the congregation that God was about to lift the adoration ministry to greater heights.
He said; "God is wonderful. You can see that I am smiling, filled with cheers and the joy of the Lord. I have the feeling that God's hand is in my going out of GRA. I am seeing everything as the will of God. When I remem- ber that my providing God is with me and for me, I am filled with joy and I'm comforted. The ways of God are divine and mysterious and at times when he wants to do a thing, we humans may not understand it. We may be seeing the external but God who sees the future planned and packaged everything for us."
Few months after the trans- fer, Mbaka in an exclusive chat with our reporter last week at the permanent site of the adora- tion ground in Emene said, "the Journey to the adoration perma- nent site is a blessing in disguise and I welcomed it with joy even though I was misunderstood. Some people who thought I would disobey the church and the Bishop by saying I would not go out; but how can I dis- obey the bishop?
"Now we have packed in here and within few months, the number of people coming there has doubled more than 20 times and we have started a new par- sonage, Adoration parsonage, and it's nearing completion. God is 100 per cent on our side and the congregation is happy and I am exceedingly happy. I am grateful to the Bishop and the Church that moved me out oftheGRA;Iamjustlikeafish that was growing inside a bottle and now has been put inside the ocean. I thank the church for that move from the GRA for the Ministry is serving a larger role to the global universe; it is not just a parish per se, it is serving the whole Nigeria. It is inter cul- tural, it is inter denominational, it is also inter tribal. The adora- tion Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria is the grand parent to all the new adoration ministries that aregrowing and God has given us a home and made Umuchigbo, Nike land where we are, a glori- ous empire of the Holy Spirit.
Mbaka who had accommoda- tion issues when he was trans- ferred noted that apart from the parsonage that is almost com- pleted, other projects are in the pipeline expressing happiness with the worshippers, with the government of the day.
"The government of Enugu led by Governor Ifeanyi Ug- wuanyi is adoration friendly and we are enjoying the highest peace we have never enjoyed in the annals of the history of the ministry. So things are moving very well; and since we came in here God has been shocking us with goose-pimple-arousingmiracles; we have never expe- rienced such miracles as we are experiencing now. As He said in John 14:12 'for the works you did you shall be and do greater works;' the works are now be- ing made manifest and we are thanking Him for the massive miracles; many lame people have walked; many blind peo- ple have seen, by the power of God; I don't claim the glory. By the Blessed Sacrament many barren women conceive twins, triplets and at times dead peo- ple rise; like the last experience- a woman who worships in the Chosen Ministries came here with an 8-month pregnancy in which the unborn baby had been confirmed dead after an ul- tra sound. Two days after otherscans had confirmed the baby dead she came to the adoration ground, and as we were pray- ing I lifted the Blessed Sacra- ment before the woman with the dead child and the child came back to life and last week the child was delivered. We are having miracle explosion in the adoration ground since we got here; ministry where jobs are given to people miraculously and indiscriminately; under a week over 300 of our members will get jobs as if to say that the solution to the recession is here in the adoration ministry. And many prayers are being said here and we are hoping that through the adoration prayers Nigeria will have solution to re- cession. We are not waiting for the president or the economy; we are using our own supernat- ural formula through the power of the Blessed Sacrament to wage war against the recessions as we warred against Ebola. So we cannot praise God enough; many blind receive their sights here, many deaf people hear; there is no day that God does not record shocking miracles.
An elated Mbaka further said; "We are experiencing un- countable miracles as He did in His own time; what we are ex- periencing at the new site is the same type of miracle in John 20:30; John 21:25, uncountable miracles. Where do we start? Thousands of souls are com- ing back to Christ through the adoration ministry; and people will fly down from overseas to give their lives to God at the adoration ground; it is now a pilgrimage centre for life sav- ing, for soul saving, for spiritu- al blessings, financial blessings and otherwise. Even people with vocational hard luck we pray for their liberation. That is why, even this community we are staying, multiple mira- cles for the people. So we are very happy; we are excited; we are not regretting our journey from GRA to the new site. It is a blessing and we thank ev- erybody who supported us in prayers. The entire members of the adoration ministry are happy; now the programme has gone to a level beyond hu- man definition; we do things in ordinary way, God turns it into extra ordinary. We are not doing anything different from what others are doing but only God knows how He turns the little things we do into mira- cles. So He takes all the glory; I am just an instrument for the miracle and I am very happy; I am healthy; since we packed in here I have never suffered even headache; no malaria, nothing. I am strong, enthusiastic with high passion to do more for God. And I wish to remain for- ever for Christ; and I have no problem with the Church and to the glory of God things are go- ing well; we are flourishing like a palm tree and we are grow- ing like the Cedar of Lebanon. Things are working out fine and we thank God for the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit be- cause since we packed in here we have been abiding under the canopy of fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and that is the secret of the miracles."
Fr. Mbaka's bombshell on Buhari's govt
Written by Geoffrey Anyanwu, Awka
~The SUN Nigeria. Tuesday, September 13, 2016.

Enugu Catholic priest, and Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu State, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has said President Muhammadu Buhari currently works with some people who do not want him to succeed in office and are desperate to pull him down.
Mbaka has been one of Buhari's most vocal supporters since he asked Nigerians to reject former president Goodluck Jonathan in the run-up to the 2015 presidential election. The priest also said it was too early to give Buhari's regime a dispassionate assessment, saying Nigerians should give the President more time.
The Enugu-based cleric said the reason the country was yet to experience the real change being midwifed by Buhari was that some strategic positions were still manned by the same people who milked the country dry in the past.
He said the president was not totally free from the grip of those who ran the country aground in the past.
Mbaka, who spoke to newsmen in Enugu during the graduation of Niger Delta youths, who trained at Innoson Plastic Factory under Federal Government's Amnesty Programme, said: "The government we are experiencing is not yet a Buharinised government.
"Many people who are in different strategic positions are still the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) people and Buhari may not even know and even some people who are working around him are working to pull him down.
"Buhari means well, Buhari is a good man, Buhari is God-sent for this country but, I am telling you that there are crocodiles in the fish pond.
"Buhari may not know that he is feeding not the fish in the fishpond but crocodiles that are even feeding on the fishes!"
He urged Nigerians to be prayerful to counter the activities of those he said were plotting to break the country and take over power. Mbaka had, a month ago come down hard on the Buhari regime, saying there was hunger in the land and that the President may not get the nod of Nigerians to get another term in office if the trend continued.
He added: "Nigerians should go on their knees and pray for divine intervention because apart from God, we are going to see horrible things. The way these people are ganging up, they want to break Nigeria and take over power and take us back to where we were coming from. I pray it shall be well with Nigeria and it shall be well with Nigerians."
The cleric, who predicted the victory of Buhari in the 2015 presidential election, said he was yet to see the change he wants in Nigeria through the present government.
"I am talking about change from corruption to moral probity, a time Nigeria will become a country that is worthy of emulation, that internationally when you mention Nigeria, Nigerians shall begin to smile. I am talking about change that is beyond embezzlement of funds meant for the development of the people and country. Only few people who call themselves politicians will be stealing the money and whatever they are doing with it nobody knows.
"The poor masses are dying and they are enriching themselves wickedly calling themselves politicians, so, such team of people should be changed and if some of them are still remaining and they want to come back, I still pray that the broom of God will sweep them out because Nigeria must move forward.
"These people are wicked, they are not Nigerians per say, I don't know where their blood came from because they are not representing us; they are representing themselves and the devil that is using them.
"If you know the pattern of their regime, the way they move and the way they truncate the activities that will be for the wellness of the poor masses, you'll know that some of them are possessed and they need deliverance before they enter that seat."
He, however, said it was too early to assess President Buhari and asked Nigerians to give the Buhari government the chance to implement its change agenda.
Praying for the liberation of Nigeria, the Catholic clergyman said: "I pray that our authentic emancipation, what we call change will be supernaturally propelled because right now you can see the hand writing everywhere, many people are complaining of hunger but the hunger is not Buhari engendered.
"Many are complaining that Buhari has not started changing everything, Buhari is not a magician.
"Like I used to tell people, somebody had been cooking in the kitchen for six years and he did not feed us well and just few months ago, somebody entered the same kitchen and all of us want him to cook a very wonderful delicious soup whereby his water is still in the pot. He has not started putting ingredients and people are testing the water and saying he cannot cook well. Let us give him a chance to pour the whole ingredients into the pot and when he is done with cooking, we can now judge him.
"It is too early to judge a man who has just entered few months ago, remember, even the budget is being attacked, padding or no padding and some people want to baptise criminal fraudulent machination with the name padding as a non criminal offence. So, when you steal money that is in billions, it is padding and that one is a no offence?
"But catch a poor man that steals a phone of N20, 000, he will be burnt alive."
Written by Felix Amadi, Maputo, Mozambique
Email: amadifelix990@gmail.com
"You are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" (Mathew5: 13-16)I watched with thrill and captivation the drama that surrounded Rev. Fr. Camillus Ejike Mbaka's endorsement of Muhammadu Buhari shortly before the last presidential election in Nigeria. From his parable of the pigeons, through the Patience Jonathan's visit at the Adoration Ministry Enugu, the 5 million Naira offering and rejection, to the Cardinal Emeritus Okogie's outburst, the story remained intriguing and educative. There is no doubt that the events of the last presidential election pitched Fr. Mbaka against many powerful individuals and establishments in Nigeria. His act of courage of endorsing Muhammadu Buhari above the then incumbent president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, elicited tones of messages of support from interested and affected parties. It also stirred an ocean of disenchantment from many of his teeming admirers, and provoked many messages of disassociation from some interest groups. His traditional base, the Catholic Church, was at pains of understanding the rationale behind his seemingly obstinate endorsement of the candidate Buhari. As a result, the leadership of the Catholic Church in Nigeria distanced the Mother Church from the Mbaka rhetoric and persuasion.
I admire Fr. Mbaka not because he is a catholic priest. I respect him not because he is a product of my alma mater, Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Owerri, Imo State. I hold this man of God in high esteem not because he is into the ministry of healing, deliverance, prophecy and philanthropy. My utmost regard for Fr. Mbaka stems from my subjective perception of him as a fearless individual who is ready to walk his words even when the odds are against him, because as Martin Luther King Jr. said, "If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live".
After Fr. Mbaka endorsed Mr. Buhari's presidential bid, many people attacked him and argued that as a religious personality, it was wrong for him to delve into political matters. Many made the case for the separation of religion and politics in the life and ministry of a Catholic priest. I am not a proponent of the school of thought that advocates that a Catholic priest should not comment on political matters or endorse a candidate for election because it is not part of his 'calling'. My point of view is strengthened by the fact that when the Ancient Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, defined man as a "Zoon politikon"(political animal), he didn't make an exemption of the clergy. The clergy are first and foremost human beings, who are affected by the same daily conditions and situations prevalent in their immediate environment. They don't live in the Moon or Mars, but in the same society where the increase in the price of fuel affects all and sundry. So Fr. Mbaka should not be cajoled into silence and passivity in the face of what he perceives as bad leadership and governance.
It is still my humble guess that Fr. Mbaka's endorsement of Mr. Buhari presidential bid was not for personal aggrandizement, but one done in good faith for the common good. But what I am at odds understanding is the barrage of mix messages emanating from his pulpit in recent times, that clarifications were deemed necessary by his spokesperson concerning his sermons. For the purpose of this write up, I will partly present the two sermons captioned,'Bless And Be Blessed' and 'Mega Change Of Conditions' respectively. The 'Bless And Be Blessed' message partly reads:" The issue is that Mbaka is speaking as the Spirit leads him- there is hunger everywhere. My job is to tell leaders the truth. The Landlords are crying, the tenants are lamenting, the sellers are crying, the buyers are lamenting- there is hunger on the streets".
"I can't keep quiet when things are going wrong".
"I am telling the President to look around him and know those who are advising him rightly and those who are telling him that there is no trouble"
"The President should know that there is trouble-if things continue like this, in the next election, nobody will vote him".
In the Second Sermon titled "Mega Change of Conditions", Fr. Mbaka said thus, "There is sword that is moving about in the country. People are dying like flies. The sword of hunger is eating the land. And as I have told you this is just the beginning. If anybody is telling you it going to be well very soon that person is deceiving you. This is because many of us were among those that were alive during the years of the past government. The past PDP government was a grasshopper and locust to Nigerians. The past government was a disaster to the land of Nigeria; the past government was cancer to this country. There is no need trying to cover their incalculable and iniquitous mess. If you don't feel it now, you will feel it later."
He continues, "Hunger is everywhere; the hunger was created before this new government came in. Buhari is not the maker of the hunger. The huger was created by the Jonathan PDP administration but Buhari should abate the long administration, bureaucracy and slow methods in tackling it".
From all indications, it seems clear to me that Fr. Mbaka, like many Nigerians. has a special dislike for PDP and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan as a person. His hatred for PDP is understandable, because for more than a decade in Nigerian political life, it steered the affairs of governance in our country, and as a result, many things ugly in nascent Nigeria are being traced back to its time in government including hunger. Let us for the sake of argument concur with Fr. Mbaka that the present hunger in Nigeria was created by the Jonathan/PDP government, but it has become evidently clear that the archaic and draconic economic policies of President Buhari have fuelled the fire of hunger and economic hardship to unbearable heights. The brazen removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria is a clear example of economic action before thought.
At this juncture, I humbly want to take Fr. Mbaka and his adherents back to what one of President Buhari's staunchest supporters in the last presidential election, Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, said about Mr. Buhari and his economic policies. Speaking earlier this year at the Platform, a public policy forum in Abuja, the former Minister of Education, Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, observed that the economic policies of President Buhari were similar to those he promulgated during his reign as a military dictator in the 1980s. She described Buhari's economic policies as "opaque and archaic".
Dr. Ezekwesili observed thus; "During the first coming of this our new president, a command and control economic system was adopted". Ezekwesili continued; "Mr. Buhari was rehashing the same command and control approach towards economic issues which has left the country's economic indices worse off since he assumed office almost a year ago". She concluded that "In over one year, the president is still holding to the premise that command and control is the way out. In a year we have lost the single digit inflation status we maintained in past administration". At my last check, Dr. Oby Ezekwesili was not a PDP member.
It is also of great importance to remind Fr. Mbaka that Mr. Pete Hoekstra, a former Chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee from 2004-2007, in an article published by the Wall Street Journal, observed that President Buhari was Nigeria's problem not the solution. He described President Buhari's economic policies as "damaging and outdated monetary policy". To this he wrote thus, "Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari writes of building an economic bridge to Nigeria future(The Three Changes Nigeria Needs", op-ed, June 14); it's hard to see how his administration's inflexibility, lack of vision and reactive approach will achieve this".
One will recall that the former president Olusegun Obasanjo was one of the prominent Nigerians who endorsed Buhari for the Nigerian Presidency. But during a conference on African Development at the Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Obasanjo remarked that President Buhari doesn't have a deep understanding of the economy. To this Obasanjo said thus, "PMB served under me and I know him a little bit. He hasn't deviated from what I knew him for...Buhari might not be grounded in both economy and foreign affairs; he is doing well in fighting Boko Haram and in his anti-corruption crusade".
So, for Fr. Mbaka to dump the whole pile of blame for the present hunger and economic hardship in Nigeria on the door steps of Jonathan and PDP when we have a President who has been implementing outdated economic policies because he is not grounded in economic affairs is hypocritical and misleading. And I am convinced that Nigeria recently lost her apex economic status in Africa partly because of the above mentioned reason.
One of the Online News Outlets in Nigeria, elombah.com, recently reported that pressure was mounted on Fr. Mbaka by the DSS and some powerful figures in Buhari's administration to recant his unadulterated criticism of Buhari's administration as contained in the his sermon 'Bless And Be Blessed'.
According to elombah.com, this pressure gave rise to Fr. Mbaka's second message titled 'Mega Change of Conditions' in which he exonerated President Buhari from any blame as it concerns the present hunger and economic hardship in Nigeria. I have no proof that elombah.com's allegation is true, and I don't want to believe it to be true. But the haste and 'unnecessary' clarification posited by the second Sermon leaves room for suspicion. In an era where freedom of speech is being threatened to the maximum, and many are forced to the tight corner of submission and fear (including cabinet ministers in Buhari's administration), nothing should be dismissed as an impossibility including an undue and unholy pressure on Fr. Mbaka by the DSS.
Fr. Mbaka could do a lot of favors to his teeming admirers by constantly presenting himself as that 'lonely voice of sanity' in a society that is bedeviled by ecclesiastical slumber and passivity. It is my humble suggestion that he rises above being a 'blind and uncritical supporter' of President Buhari into becoming an 'unbiased and objective umpire' in Nigeria current affairs. I am not asserting that for him to become an 'unbiased and objective umpire' in Nigeria current affairs, he must necessarily become anti-Buhari. No. What I am opining is that he should be that voice of morality and truth in Nigeria that he can praise and/or blame the government of the day, if the need arises, without fear of compromise. Remember, the same Jesus that called Peter 'the Rock' (Mathew16:18), was the same Jesus that called him Satan (Mathew16:23), when the need arose. A word is enough for the wise.
I Rest My Case.

- It's routine to reshuffle postings after 6 years
INDICATIONS have emerged that fiery priest and Director of Adoration Ministry, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka may be transferred out of his station, Christ the King Parish in GRA, Enugu State.
The speculated transfer of Mbaka by Enugu Catholic Diocese is coming against the backdrop of his recent prophecies especially in the politics of Nigeria where he predicted the defeat of former president Goodluck Jonathan at the polls.
Reliable sources told Daily Sun that the decision to remove Mbaka was scheduled to affect other priests in an attempt to make it look like a routine church affair.
Another source, however, confirmed that the church is afraid of the possible reaction of his followers and the adoration faithful, who make up more than 80 per cent of the population of Enugu Catholic Diocese.
Mbaka was criticised extensively by the clergies in the South East when he backed President Muhammadu Buhari to beat Jonathan in the March 28, 2015 elections.
In his New Year message, Mbaka lambasted those who labeled him a false prophet and demanded to know who is the false prophet.
Speaking on the issue, Director of Social Communications of the Diocese, Rev. Fr. Joseph Offor noted that the Diocese embarks on postings of priests every six years.
Offor, who spoke to Daily Sun on phone, explained that there would be general posting and re-posting of priests this year.
"Yes, the postings will be announced this week. The bishop decides who should be posted where; it has nothing to do with a particular individual. It is a routine practice which is done every six years."
Also reacting, Mr. Val Nnadozie, a politician and adoration faithful said: "For me, I think it's just a rumour which is making the rounds. And it is my view that the bishop has the right to transfer any priest.
"However, it won't be right if such a transfer is done with malice or as a punitive measure for holding an opinion on an issue."
Our source revealed that the transfer, which is due to be announced this week, may see Mbaka being posted to the adoration ground, Emene, which is not yet a parish.
He claimed his prediction was based on prophetic revelations, saying he was compelled by divine intuition and unsavoury socio-economic incidents in the country to voice out his concern.
Delivering a sermon titled "From good luck to bad luck" during the crossover night Adoration mass to usher in the New Year, the radical priest said he and millions of other Nigerians were disappointed by Jonathan's administration, arguing that it had failed to rescue the Chibok girls kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists in April 2014.

Written by BY FRANCIS IGATA - Vanguard, Nigeria.

No, Father Mbaka's being persecuted -RCCG pastor, other clerics
~The SUN, Nigeria.

Mbaka: Priest, politician or renegade?
Written by Reuben Abati - TheGuadian, Nigeria.

Written by Petrus Obi, Enugu

The making of a fiery priest
Written by From Petrus Obi, Enugu
From obscurity to limelight
FROM childhood, Rev. Fr. Camillus Ejike Mbaka, the spiritual director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria (AMEN), showed traces of one that would be unique.
Born into a poor family of a palm wine tapper of a father, Fr. Mbaka was not discouraged as he helped out his father in his vocation with which the family was sustained.
A search into the humble beginning and make-up of the stature of Fr. Mbaka took Saturday Sun to his ancestral home in Amata, Ituku, in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Amata is a sleepy village tucked behind the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/Ozalla and hidden from the Enugu-Port Harcourt expressway.
At Amata, nobody talks anything bad of Fr. Mbaka who the villagers see as their shining light.
Thus, they view with suspicion anybody who comes to make enquiry about the fiery Catholic priest whose popularity has soared in the country and beyond because of his uncommon prophecies and philanthropy.
Therefore, when this reporter came into Amata, the youths quickly gathered on learning that Fr. Mbaka was the reason for the journey and demanded pronto, what the enquiry was all about.
Subsequent discussions revealed why Fr Mbaka was loved by his people, from the young to the old, the traditional institution to the church, his family members and close associates: whose lives he had touched positively in one way or the other.
To some of them, Fr. Mbaka is not only a prophet of God, but also a mystery man. Mbaka had become very popular as he had never spared any erring government in power, starting from his home state, Enugu.
He once had a running battle with a former governor of the state, Dr Chimaroke Nnamani even as he did not spare the immediate past Governor Sullivan Chime during his second tenure when he felt the governor was derailing.
This fearless nature, he carried to the national level when on December 31, 2014, he prophesied that former President Goodluck Jonathan would be defeated in the 2015 presidential election because of his inability to pilot the affairs of the nation well.
His prophecy came at a time nobody imagined the incumbent, and dominant Peoples Democratic Party, PDP could lose an election.
With a very large followership who troop into Enugu from all parts of the country for his Friday weekly adoration service, where prayers, healings and miracles, take place, the young priest has become a household name in the country. However, at Amata, it was a herculean task getting the immediate members of his family to talk about him.
His uncle, Paul Mbaka, who was excited by the care and love Fr. Mbaka had shown him and his brother, was able to tell this reporter that the priest built the two modern bungalows for him and his brother both of whom are of the same parents with Fr. Mbaka's father. Elderly Paul Mbaka was able to disclose that as a child, Fr. Mbaka was very humble and would always help the elderly in the village to do some household chores. He was still narrating his story when the women from the compound came and shut him up.
Here are the encounters that unmasked the fiery priest.
His childhood
Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka was born in 1967 to a poor palmwine tapper, Mazi Ogbuefi, and Mrs. Felicia Mbaka, of Amata, one of the smallest villages in Ituku Community, Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State. His mother was the second wife of Mazi Ogbuefi who was in search of a male child as the first wife gave birth to only females. For some reasons which could not be ascertained, his mother's marriage to Mazi Ogbuefi could not last as she left with her little child at a very tender age. Felicia who has long re-married in the neighbouring Agbogugu Community recalled that from childhood she observed that her son was a special child.
Her words: "He was never sick; and throughout the war he never suffered any of the common ailments that affected most children."
She said that she was surprised at the rising profile of Fr. Mbaka though she had expected him to be great, but never knew it would be of the present magnitude. "He was a very smart young boy who had readymade reply to anything you told him. He was exceptional," she said. The young Mbaka, according to his mother, was a quiet and peaceful person who never looked for trouble; saying that "if you look for his trouble he will give it back to you."
His early education
Though Mr George Okafor, a retired teacher at Central School Ituku, where Rev. Fr. Mbaka did his primary education did not teach him, he nevertheless knew him as a very humble and hard working boy.
"He lived in the village and schooled here at Central School Ituku. Almost all the developmental projects in the community, he contributed much to them. even this church here, he is the person building that Church. He has many of our sons and daughters on his scholarship and he has employed many of our sons. These village roads he used to grade them every year; the Central school building he replaced the roof after it was blown off by the wind. He is a blessing to us," Okafor said. Also Chief and godfather to Fr. Mbaka, who also taught at Central school, said that he knew him as a child in the primary school. "I knew him starting from his childhood days; he came from a poor family. His late father's name was Ogbuefi Mbaka. He is the only son his mother bore for Ogbuefi Mbaka. He attended his secondary school at former St. Vincent Agbaogugu; from there, he joined the seminary school and wa later ordained a Catholic Priest at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Ituku. He was a noble boy; he did what evDamian Ugwueneh, a retired teacher erybody loved as a child from a poor family; he lived a poor life.
"Co-incidentally, when he went to have his first baptism; the Rev. Father there refused to baptize him as he said that the brother cannot be his godfather and I took up the task to be his godfather as long as he was from Ituku. He is a good son of Ituku; son of the soil; noble son of the soil; very active and enjoyable son of Ituku," Ugwueneh said.
Also, Mr Ambrose Okonkwo, retired headmaster was not Mbaka's immediate class teacher, but he was a teacher in the school while Mbaka was in the primary school. He recalled that during his primary school days Fr. Mbaka wasn't too clever as he is today.
For him, Fr. Mbaka's brilliance and cleverness all emanated from the seminary, Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Umuahia. "So, when he came back here we saw him as super intelligent human being; I am always afraid to meet him because before you say anything he already knows what you are going to say. If you ask him a question he has known what to answer. He wasn't the type of pupil who fought in school, in fact, I can't remember ever flogging him; I had never gotten a report against him. Because if anybody disturbed in the school, they would report to me and I would treat the case. He wasn't a trouble maker; he was the quiet type, but was always anxious and eager to be part of what is happening.
"Before he secured admission into the seminary he was known for his religious activities; most prominent of his activities then was his block rosary crusade where he gathered children and prayed with them. So, that was how he started his life and his parents didn't sanction his desire to go for priesthood. They never approved of it; they did everything possible to stop him. Before he left, the few baggage he went away with were taken away from his place by his block rosary members. The day he was going he just left; his father was there but didn't know what was happening.
"By the time he realized what was happening he did everything humanly possible; he went to all the big native doctors he knew that could bring him back. Even the week he was being ordained his father took ill and was taken to the hospital. Luckily for them, he recovered on the day of ordination and he had no alternative than to show his presence. The mother who was no longer living with the man at the time was also there; and that was the first time the two of them were coming together and they sat on the front row of this church St. Anthony Catholic Church Ituku," Okonkwo said.
Mbaka in the eyes of Ituku community leaders
His Royal Highness Igwe Cletus Owo (Ubatuoke 111 of Ituku) is Mbaka's traditional ruler; he would not mince words to say the fiery priest was one of the most illustrious sons in Ituku land.
"For God to have given us somebody like Fr. Mbaka, we are grateful to Him. Since 1995, when he was ordained priest we started experiencing changes in the community; both in the lives of the youths and equally the elders by empowering them with the word of God. From there he started rising; I must not forget to tell you that he started his Christian life from childhood; let me say from day-three of his birth. He was the leader of most groups in the church from his tender age and he grew up that way.
"He continued like that throughout his primary school and at his secondary school he expanded and decided to go for priesthood. But he suffered so much because there was no money to train him; people continued to contribute, 2 kobo, 3kobo. Even people outside my community kept on helping and he was lucky to be ordained a priest. I remember what Fr. Stephen Njoku, who I call his mentor, said the day he was ordained. Father Njoku said at St. Anthony Ituku, that 'Ituku has something; that what is inside this small boy is greater than what we the parents knew. That this boy ordained today is a great man. That he is equally afraid of him'; these were his words to our people after Fr. Mbaka's ordination. That was the day he asked Fr. Mbaka to tell his people what he will do for them; 'tell your people what you will do for them because you are going to be a great man.' There and then he promised that he will build a Catholic Church in our place; he has fulfilled that promise. He single-handedly built the church building at St. Anthony, Ituku, where he was ordained.
"Since his ordination our community has changed. In those days, we used to have only about two persons that had cars; two cars in the entire community. But since his ordination every compound has at least one car. Because he was praying that our people are very poor; he normally holds a prayer for the community every January 2nd and his cry to God to help his people out of poverty is manifesting. Today, people are building duplexes, beautiful houses in Ituku; people are buying SUVs, before now it was Peugeot 504. Today, we also have about 100 graduates in Ituku and 75 per cent of that number is to his credit. In the secondary school, he is paying fees for almost everybody. I don't know how to describe him... what he is after is how to improve the lives of the poor people. People will want to come and build this and that for him, he will say no, please bring that money; there are people that have no houses; there are people that are hungry; let us use that money and empower them," the traditional ruler said.
Chief Laz Owo, Chairman, Amaokolo Development Union
The good testimonies about Fr Mbaka did not stop with what the traditional ruler said as the Chairman of Amaokolo Development Union, Chief Laz Owo added to the long list.
"Mbaka is a true manifestation of God's love to Ituku town. Who could have known Ituku or Amata village if not for his sake? He is the first son of Mazi Ogbuefi Mbaka; a palmwine tapper who like Ituku town would not been allowed to have Fr. Mbaka as a son if the gift of man were the gift of God. He had his primary education at Central School Ituku where he as a pupil had much passion for Virgin Mary.
"He organized block rosary groups in all the nine villages in Ituku. He went round the villages preaching God and condemning idol worshipping. The children he grew up with did not understand or comprehend what he preached because he reasoned far above his age. As a student he attended Ituku town union meetings where he addressed both his father and other elders of the town. The elders commented that the boy should be watched to know what was in him because he wasn't just ordinary. He continued with the block rosary until he entered the seminary. He grew up in the hands of his father Mazi Ogbuefi Mbaka who became puzzled by his opting to be a priest.
"As a seminarian he returned home, tapped palmwine with his father; cut palm heads for palm oil and palm kernel. He equally cut palm fronts for the domestic animals his father had. The only problem is that some people, very few do not understand him. They refused to know that he is a prophet of God; they ask why should he come from Amata village one of the smallest villages in Ituku. Why must it be the son of Ogbuefi Mbaka who they know very well as a poor palmwine tapper? I advise this group of people to allow God to complete the good work He started through the young priest. This type of gift comes once in a century; let the will of God be done," the town union chairman said.
Mbaka the seminarian
Rev. Fr. Jonathan Nweke, from Awgu Catholic Diocese and Rector St. Vincent de Paul Minor Seminary was at the seminary with Fr. Mbaka. His words: "I have known Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka for a very long time; initially when he entered the seminary, St. Cross Seminary Nsukka about 1986/87 academic year, we were together for about a year. What you see didn't just start today; what you see today is what we observed many years back over 20 years ago. This is a man who didn't do minor seminary; he studied here at St. Vincent Agbogugu. Eventually, when he came into the seminary to do the one year orientation probation, here was a man who was known within this so short a time as a man who was very generous; a prayerful and quiet man.
"He is one person that is loved by almost all the students which is not very usual because people who come in from secondary schools often feel intimidated because they are new in seminary. But this is a guy who came and was loved by the students; at the time he was leaving you saw so many people were affected that they were losing a friend. His generosity was beyond measure; he was generous with his time, was generous with other things that he had. He was actually very poor that time so he had no money to give. But from the little he had it was surprising that he was ready to give.
"There was one man he visited that gave him a little pocket money yet he was able to share from that little pocket money with me and with others. So, his generosity is one thing that stands out; I could also trace this generosity back to his family. His father then was not a Christian; his father was a palm wine tapper but when we the seminarians will come round his place, Fr. Mbaka then doesn't drink alcohol; but his father had that culture that he will always keep some kegs of palm wine for people that visit him. So, I was one of those who benefitted so much from those visits.
"Actually, I loved to visit him because as at that time he was the best palm wine tapper in town. So, that generosity of Mbaka started way back then that he will always share with you the little that he has; its normal when you have more you could give, but this is a man that will use his little resources to help you. "So, the things about him that has been with him from his seminary days have been his generosity, his prayerful life, his friendliness, his compassion for people; he is exceptional. So, when I see these things having blossomed now as a priest, it's not anything new, it has only taken a larger scale; and we see that his sense of generosity is beyond measure. All my life I am yet to see a priest who is so generous, has touched the lives of people. Not people he has known but people from all walks of life 90 per cent of whom he never knew; yet always willing to give service to humanity. This is faith in action and I see this man as a man who has faith in God," Nweke said.
Also Rev Fr. Nweke believes that there are two ways to look at Mbaka's prophecies and politics unlike those who criticize him outrightly.
"On one side, Fr. Mbaka is a prophet and God has given him gifts and he can't even hide those gifts even if he wants to. When we look at the Bible, for instance, when God sent Jonah to Nineveh with a mission; Jonah taught himself smart and decided to run away but unfortunately, something happened that brought him back to the place he was running awayfrom. So, sometimes I see Fr. Mbaka issue as that of a prophet that has a call by God. So, if God has given this man a prophecy to make he is bound to make them if not he suffers for it. So, if God has called him and we see his prophecies...it's not just about politics, everything about life; and these prophecies are coming true. For instance, in the recent one 'from good luck to bad luck' that caused a lot of commotion and people were calling him politician and stuff like that, it's only because people don't understand who a priest is. As a priest he has priestly roles and prophetic roles and he is bound to exercise them. So, I wouldn't say he is a politician because he is being prophetic because he is a priest ordained to be so.
"If God gives me the gift of prophecy I will do what he is doing exactly. But we have our different gifts; so that I don't have that gift does not mean I should be jealous or condemn another who has that. God has given him gift and he is using those gifts to the glory of God. On the other side, man is a political animal and we cannot because he is a priest take away what makes him a human being. So, Fr. Mbaka reserves the right like every other person to speak about matters that concerns us. So, if God gives him that gift by every means he should use them; and if he uses them like every prophet, you like them, you don't like them, it doesn't matter. But a prophet is a prophet of God; it's just like a bridge; he gets a message and transmits. So, it's not like he is making those messages up himself because we have seen them come true. People that called him fake prophets who actually now is the false prophet. Why do people condemn voices of prophets? Granted there are people who are fake, but we have seen for real that this man is not doing this for material gain.
"By the way what does this man have for himself? This is a man who has outdone almost every other person in generosity; so if any resources come around him you see people benefitting from them. For instance, in this school he is paying the school fees of so many indigent seminarians here and 99 per cent of them he doesn't know them, he had never seen them. But these are people he pays for and they are in school today is because of Fr Mbaka's generosity. I have not seen anything that will make me succumb to people calling him names; it's only that sometimes we have jealousy; when somebody is so blessed people try to pull him down. But if we are reasonable and we have faith in God let us support God's work. Same way every other Catholic priest gets involved without appearing partisan or inciting its parishioners. Now, imagine if every Catholic priest becomes partisan... by partisan I mean leaning to a particular political party what will our churches be like?"
His prophecies/ politics
One of Fr Mbaka's godsons, Hon. Val Nnadozie, an Enugu-based politician said that once one is ordained a priest, three things are given to one: "First is that you are a priest, secondly, you are a prophet and thirdly, you are a king. Being a priest means that you have to take care of the spiritual life of your congregation; as a prophet you get inspiration and messages from God for you to pass unto His people. Thirdly, you are made a king so as to be fearless; you can talk to the high and mighty. I am a Catholic so understand it from that stand point. Having that as a background the things that Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has prophesied over time I sincerely believe are things he was asked to tell the people.
"For instance, the following morning after the prophecy of 31st December 2014, we had this conversation and he told me that things he said were not the things he prepared to say; that somehow something came upon him and he started saying things that were different from what he prepared to say as a sermon. As a priest you are made to take care of the spiritual life of your congregation; how do you take care of the people given to you if they are hungry; if they are deprived; if they don't have anybody to speak for them. How do they praise God, how do they turn to God if they have things that are obstacles in their way? They can't afford to feed; they can't afford to pay their children's school fees, they can't afford to pay house rents, how does one expect that kind of person in that situation to praise God?
"So, I see it from this aspect of God has sent a Joseph to come and liberate His people; to save them in time of hunger. The issue here is who will speak for us; who will go for us? On the night of December 31st, 2014, he prophesied that former President Goodluck Jonathan would lose election; another instructive thing he said was that 'if your own brother would cause you harm and death, and somebody who is not related to you will make things better for you, who would you go for?' I believe strongly that those messages came from God because the ones we witnessed have come to pass. "I am a practical example also; I had kidney failure and I know I am the only person that has survived that through the Holy Ghost. I did not have surgery, I did not have transplant and I got healed by payers. I had eight years of bareness in my house, I had gone through everything; I had gone through IVF two to three times, none worked, prayer worked for me. So, why shouldn't I believe when I am a primary beneficiary," Nnadozie said.
For Mr. Osita Okechukwu, another Enugu politician and APC South East spokesman "I see Mbaka's prophecy as providential; it's God's prophecy because it came to pass; that Muhammadu Buhari as he predicted has become president. And as Fr. Mbaka has said, that he had nothing against the then President Jonathan or against the wife; that all he had seen is that things are ruptured so much that we need a change; we need a revival of the country. And even when he met Buhari he told him that he had to pray for him because some traducers are after his life and then some people in government are also not with him. I think it is providential because nobody can accuse him of taking bribe, nobody can accuse him of sectionalism or being a religious bigot because Buhari is not a Christian. So, he has escaped the two most important factors that people use against public affairs speakers like him.
"So, to me, what he did is God's message; and then for those who criticize him I am not surprised about that because those who were benefitting from the status quo have to defend the status quo; you don't expect them to say that the status quo should go away. Throughout history change is always resisted; the people resist change because they benefit no matter the rot. And luckily let me say that Rev. Fr. Mbaka has been vindicated; if President Buhari did not come to power nobody will know the kind of money that was distributed out of the funds for procurement of weapons for troops at war. To me, Mbaka is vindicated; he has been proven right; the message was clearly God's message. "Those who changed Latin America; those who made Pinochet to fall in Chile, they were what they call liberation theologists; most of them were Catholic priests; so it's not a new thing in the Catholic kingdom to have liberation theologists. So, he is a theologian; he belongs to the liberation spectrum of the great Catholic Church. So, he is not a politician he is a liberation clergy who is not afraid to tell those in power the truth; they are very rare in the Christian community and the clergy."
According to Jane frances Nweze, Enugu-based public affairs commentator, " Rev. Fr. Mbaka went overboard with his 2016 prophecy not necessarily because he is not a true man of God, but if his prophecy is supposed to be for the nation, it's supposed to be what will happen in the nation. Saying that God revealed to him that the president is going to be attacked because of his war against corruption is ridiculous because everybody knows there is a tendency that he would be attacked. Attacking him doesn't necessarily mean he is going to be killed or not, it's more definite or more of a prophecy to say that the president would serve out his four-year-term or the president will not live out 2016. But when you say he is going to be attacked it's inciting certain section of the public because everybody will turn to the opposition party as being the possible culprit. Also that prophecy doesn't have anything for our nation; what do we benefit having the information that he is going to be attacked. I think his prophecy should target things that will bring about the salvation of his people; I guess economic salvation is part of it maybe that's why he is indirectly involved in politics but somehow he needs to tread carefully knowing he is a charismatic leader with great followership. He should be careful not to take advantage of that because instead of yielding good fruit it may backfire and turn around and bite each of us. I don't follow him, I don't even care about what he says but there are a whole lot of people outside Enugu who actually follow him and are interested in the things he says. So, he has to be careful not to mislead them and secondly not to set the nation in some tension we may not find easy to come out of."
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